Monday, June 8, 2009

Thrifted a pair of black silk formal braces with twill tabs. Thurstons? No, but for $2.00 they'll work just fine.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What happened to my Madras bow ties. I know I had some but they are gone!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

I do not understand the "controversy" over American Idol.

'course I don't understand the draw of American Idol.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Good thrifting day. 1/2 off clothing at the local Thrift Store. Picked up a Field Gear (old Marshall Field house brand) navy sailing jacket and a pair of white, light weight, duck pants. Previous scores have been a blue OC Brooks Bros. shirt , a silk and something odd jacket from an unknown label and a DB black wool top coat. I don't think If spent more than $30 total.
I think it a shame when you walk into a restaurant and the wait staff, dressed all in black and wearing ties, is still better dressed than the patrons.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Why do there need to be so many variations of fit for a thing as simple as a pair of jeans? All I want are a pair that fit like they did when I was a boy. (I suppose it would help if I were still shaped that way.) I do appreciate the prewashing. It did take too long for the old ones to get the right fade and softness.